Fantastic start to November Beach Cleans

What a great start to November! With the help of some great people we have collected over 30 bags of rubbish from the beach between Blackhall and Horden, and also at Seaham Hall Beach and Red Acre Beach.

A group of Motor Mechanics Students from Official New College Durham along with Steve from Bunzl Greenham collected 10 bags from Blackhall beach, including lots of rope, wire and other items which can be lethal to marine mammals through entanglement and ingestion.

Then it was off to Horden to meet the Monday gang from the The Oaks Secondary School; they collected 5 bags of rubbish including 1 bag from the car park and lots of plastic bottles, crisp packets and cans!

A group of students from New College Durham (Education and Early Years Course) started their beach clean at Seaham Hall Beach. They spilt up and went their separate ways north and south and managed to collect 8 bags of rubbish. Lots of plastic bottles, dog poo bags (full!), dirty nappies, cans, fishing line, clothing etc……Then it was off to Red Acre beach to meet 21 pupils from the Oaks Secondary School. They collected 10 bags of rubbish which included plastic, cans, wet wipes, ghost fishing nets, metal, old mobile phone, more dog poo bags…

All this rubbish has a massive detrimental impact on our seas and coastline. The ghost fishing gear becomes an entanglement hazard to marine mammals, seabirds and other marine animals eat fragments of plastic and stave to death, birds become caught up in fishing line…. in fact every single bit of rubbish we collected today could potentially injure or kill our wildlife both in the sea and on land. So that’s why our volunteers are so keen to come along and help us keep out beaches litter free!

Thanks everyone