Beneath the Waves – Wrecks dived over the August Bank Holiday weekend

Over the August Bank Holiday weekend, the Beneath the Waves Team and volunteer divers spent three days diving wrecks from South Shields to Sunderland. After the recent bad weather, the team were treated on the Saturday with nearly mirror calm sea conditions and sunny weather!

The divers paired up and were briefed on each dive site and the wreck they would be filming using a GoPro and strobe set up to collect footage. Photogrammetry is a specialist photography technique that uses the footage captured by the divers to then create digital 3D models of each wreckage.

In addition to the wrecks the divers were able to experience some of the amazing marine life including a brief sighting of a minke whale from the boat.

We would like to say a big thank you to all the volunteer divers who participated over the weekend. The diving season is coming to an end, but fingers crossed our volunteers might be able to fit a couple more dives in and capture some more footage for the project.

Wrecks Dived:

Day 1 – The Lonclara (PLA)

              The Ben Ardna

Day 2 – The Cider

              The Oslofjord and the Eugenia Chandris

Day 3 – The UC-32 Submarine