Help protect and develop local wildflower meadows by collecting wildflower seeds for propagating at White Lea Farm or at home.
Wildflower meadows across the country have seen an 80% reduction in the last 10-15 years and are becoming a rare sight in our countryside. Along the Durham Coast we are fortunate to still have great meadows and the opportunity to create more meadows.
As part of the ‘Our Coast Our Wildlife’ project, anyone interested in helping develop wildflower meadows is very welcome to join SeaScapes and the National Trust Rangers on Friday 27th and/or Monday 30th August to walk across some of our established meadows collecting the seed heads we find. Once the seed is extracted from the seed heads you can either leave the seed with our rangers for us to propagate into individual flowers or you can take the seeds home, germinate them, pot them on and plant them out either in our identified meadows or in your own gardens.
We would also love to help you in identifying some specific wildflowers for germination and planting out around Durham Argus Butterfly sites. Rock rose is invaluable for adults to lay eggs on, then for developing larvae to feed on as they mature into adult butterflies. Food plants for adults includes birds foot trefoil, red clover and wild thyme. Again, these can be either grown at our White Lea Farm site or you can take them home and grow them on yourselves.
We will meet at White Lea Farm, Easington Colliery, and then walk to the local beach banks on the Heritage Coast Path and to the coastal meadows. Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear.
White Lea Farm
Easington colliery