A great late summer task with a social element. Volunteers and National Trust rangers will team up to cut, rake and remove this year’s vegetation from our White Lea Farm meadows.
As part of the ‘Our Coast Our Wildlife’ project, volunteers and National Trust rangers will team up to cut, rake and remove this year’s vegetation from our White Lea Farm meadows. We cut, rake and remove the grass in order to reduce the fertility of the soil supporting the meadow. Low fertility of the soil creates perfect conditions for wildflowers to thrive by reducing the competition otherwise faced from vigorous grasses, thistles and nettles.
Next we will head to Cotsford Field at Horden, where we are reaping the benefits of years of meadow management and conservation grazing. It has become a rich and bio-diverse wildflower meadow that is hard to match anywhere along the Durham Coast. We will once again cut, rake and collect the hay, but this time we will head back to White Lea Farm and spread the wildflower seed-rich hay from Cotsford on our prepared meadow. This will give it a helping hand in establishing a new wildflower meadow.
We will meet at White Lea Farm, Easington Colliery on Wednesday 1st, Thursday 2nd, Friday 3rd, Sunday 4th, Monday 5th, and Tuesday 6th September. These task days will be outside and no previous experience is required.
Please wear good strong work clothes (wet weather gear if needed), work boots/suitable footwear, sunscreen, packed lunch, drinking water, face mask for use inside vehicles.
White Lea Farm
Easington colliery