Beach Rangers are a group of young people aged 14-18 who meet monthly to discover and explore our coastal wildlife and seascape.
In our first session of 2022, we will meet at 10am at Roker Pier, and then travel on our minibus to Crimdon. There we will meet John, a Countryside Ranger for Durham County Council, who will teach us shorebird identification techniques, we’ll learn about coastal species and habitats, bird conservation and populations, migration and maybe a bit of birdsong. We will also learn how to do a Shorebird Survey, so if you have binoculars, bring them!
After lunch, we will go to the new Crimdon Dunes Hub where we will meet Anna, a local artist, who will teach us how to do scientific drawings of some of the bird species we have seen.
Please bring a packed lunch, drink, and wear comfortable, weather appropriate clothing and footwear.
If you have binoculars please bring them, though we have some you can borrow if not.
The Beach Rangers meet on the fourth Saturday each month. Activities include rocky shore surveys, beach cleans, seabird walks, practical conservation tasks, wildlife photography, marine mammal surveys, underwater filming and more. We will also investigate how the coastline has changed with industry and development, and how people and wildlife can coexist sharing the coastal environment. The sessions are inclusive to all and encourage team working and problem solving.
Perfect if you love nature or being outdoors and a great way to achieve your Duke of Edinburgh or John Muir Awards.
This event is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and is part of the SeaScapes ‘Intertidal Interactive’ Project.
Meet at Roker Pier
Sunderland Beach Front