Come and help the Rangers make a raised bed garden for growing wildflower seeds and tree saplings
Come and help the Rangers make a raised bed garden for growing wildflower seeds and tree saplings. Learn to use simple hand tools to build wooden raised beds for growing.
Wildflower meadows across the country have seen an 80% reduction in the last 10-15 years and are becoming a rare sight in our countryside. Along the Durham Coast we are fortunate to still have great meadows and the opportunity to create more meadows.
Growing local wildflower seeds helps support local butterfly, bird and insect populations. The rare Durham Argus butterfly has made its home along the East Durham Coast and thrives on specific local wildflowers: Rock rose is invaluable for adults to lay eggs on, then for developing larvae to feed on as they mature into adult butterflies. Food plants for adults includes birds foot trefoil, red clover and wild thyme.
Similarly, growing local tree saplings to plant back out into hedgerows and coastal meadows strengthens local biodiversity – native trees support local insect and bird populations who rely on them for food, shelter and nesting.
White Lea Farm
Easington Colliery