The Little Tern, one of Britain’s rarest sea birds has taken a liking to the sands of Seaton Carew, and returns annually in May from West Africa to nest and raise their chicks on our local beaches, with the potential of returning to Africa in September with the next generation.
Bring all the family for a short walk and talk, to learn about the Little Tern, how to identify it, it’s nesting and feeding behaviour, migration patterns and more. In addition, you will have a chance to see first-hand how the SeaScapes project is supporting Durham Wildlife Trust’s wardening and monitoring of the internationally important breeding colony of Little Terns at Seaton Carew.
Everyone is welcome to ask questions, share their knowledge and experiences, or simply unwind and enjoy watching the Little Terns. Booking is essential.
Image Credit: Adam Jones
Parking is available at the Car and Coach Park, and costs £2. Please wear weather appropriate clothing and suitable footwear.
All ages are welcome to this free event; children must be accompanied by an adult.
This event is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.