Volunteering – a win-win experience for everyone!

The SeaScapes Partnership relies on a team of amazing volunteers to help deliver our projects. It’s not just a case of turning up to do a few hours work, our volunteers give their time and skills for free so it’s only fair that their experience is rewarding and fun.

Volunteering provides people with a sense of purpose, especially if you’re passionate about a particular topic, it could be marine litter, wildlife, geology, archaeology, shipwrecks or a local Park Run!  It’s a terrific way of learning about things that you enjoy with likeminded people who could become friends for life! Being a volunteer also provides access to training and new skills which could help with future employment prospects. Coupled with this is the huge physical and mental health benefits of being outdoors, having fun with a great bunch of people!

Caitlin is one of our fabulous Volunteer Beach Clean Leaders, here’s her story…

My name is Caitlin and I joined SeaScapes as a Volunteer Beach Clean Leader shortly after graduating with my undergraduate degree in 2022. I have a passion for all things conservation, wildlife and the environment and I’m enthusiastic to be involved in positive environmental changes within the community – SeaScapes just seemed right up my street! I first heard about SeaScapes via the Marine Conservation Society’s website, whilst looking for local beach cleans to join. I really connected with the SeaScapes vision and their projects to improve our heritage spaces.

Volunteering is an incredibly fulfilling experience that allows me to make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a cause that I care deeply about. Another thing that I get out of volunteering is the sense of community that comes from working with other like-minded individuals. I’ve met so many wonderful people through volunteering and it’s been a wonderful way to connect with others who share similar passions.

I would recommend volunteering with SeaScapes! It’s a fantastic way to take small actions that can have a significant, positive impact on the environment and the opportunity to connect with new people. My favourite part is engaging with the community of volunteers and seeing the progress we make as a team to prevent litter from entering marine ecosystems.

If you would like more information on volunteering please get in touch on the Contact Us section OR if you would like to come out on a taster session to see what it’s all about, we can arrange that too!

If you would like to get involved as a volunteer please go to https://ess-staging.differentnarrative.co.uk/volunteering/

For more volunteering opportunities please visit:  https://www.countydurhamvolunteering.org.uk/