Bountiful Butterflies

The Our Coast, Our wildlife project is working to better understand coastal butterfly and day moth populations along the coast in order to be able to help them thrive.

Our coastal clifftops, meadows and beach banks provide a rich habitat for many different species whilst at the same time enabling us to enjoy the views along this stunning coast line. Over the past three weeks over 45 different species of butterfly and day moths have been identified along the East Durham coast which is incredible! those spotted include the Northern Brown Argus, Large and Small Skipper, Ringlet, Speckled Wood, Red Admiral, Silver Y, Dark Green Fritillary and the Latticed Heath – to name a few! This is just a tiny snippet of the often overlooked wildlife that we share the coast with.

On the 29th July, and the 12th and 26th August we’ll be joining with the Rangers from The National Trust at White Lea Farm, Easington Colliery, to continue the butterfly count with a focus on rarer priority species such as the Grayling Butterfly.

If you’d like to come along, please see our events page for more information and to sign up.